My Village Learning Center Faith Based Options Tutoring Physical Education

Where Homeschoolers Meet to Play, Socialize and Learn


Crochet Club


Typically every other Monday from 3:30-4:20, see Chess Club Calendar as it coordiantes with that schedule. If there's Chess Club on a Monday, there is also Crochet Club.

How it works

Students will learn how to crochet. Mrs. Geraldine will be teaching the class, assisted by Mrs. Melissa.


$150 for the school year (averages out to less than $10 per meeting.) Parents may opt to pay only $50 for the first "semester" which is October - December. January - May fee is $100. Scholarship student class fee can be paid on the EMA portal when the item is availaible. We will let parents know when it's approved.


The supply costs are mostly covered by the fee, however, if we need to purchase kits sometime later in the year there may be an additional fee.


To register email Tresa at [email protected]. 1st meeting is Monday, October 7th.


Click link for Calendar (remember Mondays only for Crochet Club)