My Village Learning Center Faith Based Options Tutoring Physical Education

Where Homeschoolers Meet to Play, Socialize and Learn

Class times: 9:30-3:30
Classes are subject to change.

Primary A (Kindergarten)

Classes are offered Monday - Thursday. There are six blocks per day, two of which are either PE or Recess. Both Math and Lanaguage Arts will be taught in the mornings with extra-curriculars in the aftersnoons. Specific curriculums will be listed here as we receive them from the teachers. Wednesdays are our Christian Curriculum Day. Christianity will be woven into the classes. Religion is not taught on the other days of the week.

Afternoon classes:

Mondays - Music which is combined with Primary B and Story Art in their own classroom

Tuesdays - Music which is combined with Primary B and Art in their own classroom

Wednesdays - Bible which is combined with Primary B and Story Art in their own classroom

Thursdays - Science which is combined with Primary B and Social Studies in their own classroom

Primary B

Classes are offered Monday - Thursday. There are six blocks per day, two of which are either PE or Recess. Both Math and Lanaguage Arts will be taught in the mornings with extra-curriculars in the aftersnoons. Specific curriculums will be listed here as we receive them from the teachers. Wednesdays are our Christian Curriculum Day. Christianity will be woven into the classes. Religion is not taught on the other days of the week.

Afternoon classes:

Mondays - Music which is combined with Primary B and Story Art in their own classroom

Tuesdays - Music which is combined with Primary B and Art in their own classroom

Wednesdays - Bible which is combined with Primary B and Story Art in their own classroom

Thursdays - Science which is combined with Primary B and Social Studies in their own classroom

Primary C

Block  MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday
1stLand and AnimalsWriting/IllustratingArt TechniquesMusic Theory
3rdArt HistoryFlorida Literature/HIstoryMusic Appreciation    Drama
4thTBDTBDWriting BasicsEarth Science
5thGroup GamesGroup GamesGroup GamesGroup Games
6thSpanishGeologyGeography (Maps)Building Designs  

Wednesdays are our Christian Curriculum Day. Christianity will be woven into the classes. Religion is not taught on the other days of the week.


Music Theory – read, write, play and perform music
Music Appreciation – explore genres of music and musicians, play and perform music.
Art History – Go through time and explore important artists, create art reflecting the style
and techniques they used.
Art Techniques – In depth exploration of drawing/sketching, painting, mixed media, fiber
crafts, sculpture, etc.
Land and Animals – Study animals, the habitats they live in and the larger ecosystem that they are part of. Explore environmental issues and the roles all organisms play in the cycle of life.
Drama – Acting techniques, team building.

Primary D

Block  MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday
2ndTBDTBDWriting BasicsEarth Science
3rdSpanishGeologyGeography (Maps)    Building Designs
4thGroup GamesGroup GamesGroup GamesGroup Games
5thLand and AnimalsWriting/IllustratingArt TechniquesMusic Theory
6thArt HistoryFlorida Literature/History Music Appreciation Drama

Wednesdays are our Christian Curriculum Day. Christianity will be woven into the classes. Religion is not taught on the other days of the week.

Class Descriptions

Music Theory – read, write, play and perform music
Music Appreciation – explore genres of music and musicians, play and perform music.
Art History – Go through time and explore important artists, create art reflecting the style
and techniques they used.
Art Techniques – In depth exploration of drawing/sketching, painting, mixed media, fiber
crafts, sculpture, etc.
Land and Animals – Study animals, the habitats they live in and the larger ecosystem that they are part of. Explore environmental issues and the roles all organisms play in the cycle of life.
Drama – Acting techniques, team building, public speaking, perform in skits and plays.


Block  MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday
1stLife SkillsFlorida HistoryCommunity Civics Art
2ndCultural StudiesFlorida LiteratureArtBook Clubs
3rdEngineeringMusic TheoryEarth Science  Creative Writing
5thStrategy Fames  Public Speaking/Drama  World History Debate/Logic


Wednesdays are our Christian Curriculum Day. Christianity will be woven into the classes. Religion is not taught on the other days of the week.

Class Descriptions

World History: From the viewpoint of Christianity


Block  MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursday
1stEngineeringMusic TheoryWorld History Creative Writing
2ndStrategy GamesPublic SpeakingEarth ScienceDebate/Logic
3rdLife SkillsFlorida HistoryArt  Art
5thCultural Studies    Florida Literature  Community Civics Book Clubs


Wednesdays are our Christian Curriculum Day. Christianity will be woven into the classes. Religion is not taught on the other days of the week.

Class Descriptions

Music Theory – read, write, play and perform music

World History: From the viewpoint of Christianity